Statement 2018

Copyright Statement


The undersigned …………….................………  holder of  ID ……………………  serial  number ........................... issued by ……………… on ………………….… as composer of the song ………..…….............................................................................. performed during the International Pop Music Festival for Children and Youngsters     “STAR Among Stars”  Bacău, 8th edition 2019,  by competitor .................................................................... from ..….......……........…,  I hereby agree with the transfer  of the rights deriving from artistic performances and audio-video recordings of all manifestations of this festival.


Date .....................................                       Signature …………………………...


Parent’s Statement –
Lack Of Composer’s Agreement


The undersigned…………….................…….........…  holder of  ID …...……………  serial  number ............................  issued by ……...……..……  on ….………....……….
residing in ........................................................................................................................,
I hereby declare that I take full legal responsibility regarding the participation of the minor .......................................................................... at the International Pop Music Festival for Children and Youngsters  “STAR Among Stars” Bacău, 8th edition 2019,  concerning the interpretation  of the song  .....................................................................................................,
Composer .............................................................................
Lyricist  ....................................................................................

I mention that  I HAVE / I DO NOT HAVE  the composer’s agreement in this regard and I am aware of the copyright  laws and related rights no. 8 from 14.03.1996

DATE.............................                                       SIGNATURE...............................

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